Da viele FreundInnen aus dem europäischen Ausland unser QuäkerHaus in Bad Pyrmont kennen, setzten wir im Wochenmagazin der Britischen Quäker-Jahresversammlung "theFriend" folgende Anzeige:
Darauf erhielten wir diese Mail einer uns unbekannten Freundin, die so deutlich zeigt, wie wir alle verbunden sind:
Dear Friends,
I was so pleased to see your greeting message in the Friend this week.
Someone recently came to our meeting house with some books from his father’s garage. I think he had connections with Germany and worked there at some point. I am the librarian for our Local
Meeting, so I had the first chance to look at the books.
I found one that I read with the greatest interest. It is A Quaker Couple in Nazi Germany by Brenda Bailey (1994), and is about her mother and father, Mary and Leonhard Friedrich, who were very active in Bad Pyrmont Meeting, as of course you must
know well.I was amazed at how Mary was allowed to stay in Bad Pyrmont, even after Leonhard had been taken to Buchenwald. What a wonderful story theirs was.
I wish my husband and I could visit you , but we are 88 yers old and not in good health. We wish you well, and perhaps might see some of you if you ever come to Oxfordshire.
With every good wish for the New Year. I’m sorry that my schoolgirl German is not good enough to write to you in German.
In Friendship, Janie